Meet Loaves & Fishes Board Member Daniel Fairley
Loaves & Fishes Board member Daniel Fairley is passionate about social justice and equity, with a focus on service and action. His involvement in the Charlottesville community—Big Brothers, Big Sisters volunteer; member, and now President of 100 Black Men; and as Youth Opportunity Coordinator for the City of Charlottesville since 2017—has deepened his commitment.
Daniel’s service-oriented family provided a foundation for his beliefs. His grandparents started a food pantry in King George, Virginia, and several in his family had careers in the federal government.
Following his internship, he earned his Master’s degree in Education with a focus on Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration at the University of Vermont. After graduation he moved to Charlottesville, where he became very involved in the community, focusing initially on 100 Black Men and as a Big Brother.
Through his role as the City’s Youth Opportunity Coordinator, Daniel led the City’s Youth Council in interviewing more than 250 City School students and helped the Youth Council present their findings to the School Board. One of their requests, based on information from the students, was to make changes to the gifted program. The Youth Council’s research and presentation demonstrating the lack of equity in the program led the School Board to change its policy so students are tested in the third grade, rather than 1st, when all children have had a chance to practice with tests.
Daniel also has worked with youth on documentaries to bring attention to the CAYIP youth internship program. As they created the documentaries, they learned about different types of equipment and how to edit videos. The documentaries have won prizes at both national and international film festivals.