Nutritionist Corner

In 2020, registered dietitian Monica Davis joined Loaves & Fishes’ staff, helping sort and assemble produce bags, selecting the best foods for our guests, and providing recipes and tips on best ways to store, prepare, and eat the selection of food we give out at the pantry. Monica organizes nutrition education activities to ensure that our visitors are getting the most out of our food. Samantha Van Dyke, RDN, writes Nutrition to Go monthly newsletters in English and Spanish that are included in each visitor’s bags of food. Look for Monica in the kitchen or parking lot on Wednesdays - she welcomes your questions!

Eating for Life is a program designed by a registered dietitian nutritionist that gives you the knowledge and skills to eat the right amount and right variety of foods to promote good health.

This program offers a variety of resources to help keep you informed on how to stay healthy.

Learn More >>


Meet MyPlate, the official symbol of the five food groups. Learn how to make MyPlate work for you.
NHLBI Deliciously Healthy Recipes
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Healthy Economical Meals
North Dakota State University Extension Service